The Global Gag Rule (aka Mexico City Policy or Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance) was created in 1984. It blocks U.S. global health funding to any foreign Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that provides information, counseling or referrals for abortion services. Biden rescinded the policy after the Trump/Pence administration expanded it to apply to all U.S. global health funding for health services including HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health programs, cancer screenings, Zika, Malaria, Tuberculosis and more. Only Congress can permanently end this harmful policy. We can help end the Global Gag Rule, permanently, by calling Congress at 202-225-3121 and asking our representatives to please support the Global HER Act (Health, Empowerment and Rights Act) today.

My name is ______ and I’m reaching out from [city, state].
I’m calling to ask you to please support the Global HER Act
so that the harmful Global Gag Rule cannot be implemented by
future administrations. Thank you.

The Global HER Project was created by artists and advocates dedicated to supporting women’s rights and reproductive choices at home and overseas. Our mission is to shed light on a policy that has been well documented to harm women and communities around the world. The goal is to point viewers towards the Global HER Act and inspire audiences to take action by reaching out to their government representatives.